Desserts Raspberry Alaska
Serves : 8-10
Preparation Time: 1 hour plus defrosting and freezing time

- 1x 500ml tub chocolate ice cream
- 1x 500ml tub vanilla ice cream
- 1 x 250g Budgens “Discover the Taste Raspberry Loaf Cake”
- 150g raspberries
- 2 tbsp orange liqueur, optional
- 180g caster sugar
- 3 large free range egg whites
- 5ml lemon juice
Take the ice cream tubs out of the freezer and set aside for 15-20 minutes.
Place the raspberry loaf cake on a chopping board and cut into 3 long even slices. Place a 1 litre Pyrex bowl upside down on the cake slices and cut around the bowl with a serrated knife. Cover and set aside.
Double line the Pyrex bowl with cling film. Spoon the chocolate ice cream into the Pyrex bowl and push down with the back of a spoon. Repeat with the vanilla ice cream. Cover and place in the freezer for 4-5 hours.
Crush the raspberries in a bowl and mix with the orange liqueur, if using. Spoon over the top of the vanilla ice cream and top with the cake. Cover and put back in the freezer.
Meanwhile, place the sugar and 3tbsp water in a medium saucepan and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Whisk the egg whites and lemon juice with a hand held whisk on a low setting until foamy. Increase the speed until the meringue holds its shape. Place the sugar syrup on a low heat and allow the sugar to melt. Once melted turn the heat up allow to boil and bubble. Just before it turns a golden colour pour the syrup down the side of the meringue bowl. Continue beating as you pour. Beat for 6-8 minutes or until the meringue is shiny and glossy.
Invert the ice creams on to the serving plate. Remove the Pyrex bowl and cling film and spread the meringue all over the ice creams with a palette knife. Use a blow torch to colour the meringue. Serve straight away.